for the
This course is designed to help you recognize and define any vows you may have made. In it I will discuss vows of poverty what they are, why we would take them, and how they affect you today.
I will cover soul contracts and how they relate to vows. As well as free will and breaking vows, so that you have a better understanding of the soul’s process in establishing vows and in becoming free of them.
With the help of my guides, I have created a meditation for this course to help you release or dissolve your vows, in this meditation you will connect with your higher self and team of guides who are familiar with your past lives and any vows you may have taken.
In the final section I cover abundance and what you can now do with the space you have created by letting go of these old vows. This is meant to get you thinking, feel inspired and focused on what you want to create!
Once you order this course you the files will appear for you to download instantly.
You get three PDFs (Introduction and Section 1 & 2), and a Guided Meditation in MP3 format.
Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Intuitive Reader
My name is Jocelyn Joy Thomas, I have been doing professional readings for over 20 years. I enjoy working with clients one-on-one helping them develop spiritually.
We all come here with a purpose, and our soul is constantly nudging us in the direction of that purpose.
When we listen to our inner guidance, we align with our best path. Finding tools to help you do that is what spiritual development is all about.
If the reading you want is sold out or no longer listed, reach out to me using my email below. Or sign up for my newsletter and receive an announcement when I open my schedule (usually the last weekend of every month).
In the meantime, I offer meditations and courses as well!
I have a Substack newsletter with weekly spiritual articles and podcasts.
I have a blog on Medium where I write three to four articles weekly on spiritual topics, and other topics on occasion.
Or join me on Patreon for a monthly Energy Reading, meditation, and Mini Readings.