for the
This meditation is designed to match you with the frequency of love, which goes beyond any one expression of love (romantic, self-love, divine love). It focuses on opening your heart to a multitude of loving expressions. Love is our truth, our core, the more we attune with it the more we become aligned with our authenticity, and the more we express from that place.
Excerpt from meditation…
“We all create a certain frequency, which is what we attract and send out again and again. In this meditation, we focus on matching the frequency of love and becoming attuned to it.
Three steps to matching the frequency of love:
First, to understand that everything is energy, you, me, your thoughts, feelings, everything is made of energy.
Second, this energy can be shaped, if you are conscious of it, to what you would like to experience.
Third, you must reprogram your mind to truth, and then it can all change."
This meditation includes going through these steps and connecting with the frequency of love. Opening up to this frequency and moving beyond any barriers present, most importantly, to maintain this frequency, which is your natural and ultimate state."
Once you place your order, the meditation will be available in an instant download. (You should also get an email with a link to download the file).
The meditation is an mp3 file running 21 minutes long
Legal: You must be at least 18 years of age. Meditations are for "entertainment purposes only" and are not a substitute for legal, medical, or other professional advice. Use good judgment.
Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Intuitive Reader
My name is Jocelyn Joy Thomas, I have been doing professional readings for over 20 years. I enjoy working with clients one-on-one helping them develop spiritually.
We all come here with a purpose, and our soul is constantly nudging us in the direction of that purpose.
When we listen to our inner guidance, we align with our best path. Finding tools to help you do that is what spiritual development is all about.
If the reading you want is sold out or no longer listed, reach out to me using my email below. Or sign up for my newsletter and receive an announcement when I open my schedule (usually the last weekend of every month).
In the meantime, I offer meditations and courses as well!
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Or join me on Patreon for a monthly Energy Reading, meditation, and Mini Readings.